Simply Updates

I don’t have a specific agenda or a creative title for this blogpost like I usually do, I just really want to write, because I recently realized this is actually the best way for me to process my thoughts! 🙂


Tuesdays at NYCUP, we typically would watch documentaries about the different issues in the world. We’ve watched “740 Park Avenue,” and “Sex + Money” so far (both are great and thought-provoking).  However, this Tuesday, we did something a little bit different.  Instead of watching another movie, Jonathan decided to give us some time and space to come meet God, to break down our walls and just stand before  God and be who He makes us to be.  I remembered that day, I was SUPER tired, I fell asleep on the subway on the way to work and on the way back from work.  I just wanted to watch a movie and then BED! So when I found out we were going to have some time of praying and worshipping, part of me was happy because I LOVE spontaneous worship, and the other part of me was annoyed because all I want to do is just watch a movie! But it turned out that the night was needed and it was actually really spiritually refreshing to spend time and embrace myself in God’s love.  As our time began, it was hard to find peace in my heart.  I was still trying to digest all the things we are learning at NYCUP and some stuff that I buried deep down below in my mind that came up during the sermon at Church last Sunday when we visited New Life Fellowship church (which is an AMAZING church, if you ever visit NYC, you MUST visit this church!!!).  I didn’t know what to do to meet Jesus, there are so much stuff I need to pray about, to confess about, to talk to Jesus about… There were many walls that I need to break down and I was frustrated.  I started writing down some prayers, and prayed a little bit, and sit and listen for a little bit.  After praying and sitting for a while, I decided to pray for something that I’ve never thought of before – a hug from Jesus.  I love hugs, and many of you know that, hee hee.  Hugging gives me a lot of comfort, and a sense of security (except the awkward side hugs, haha).  I was like, “Jesus, may I have a hug, please embrace me, I love you, and I JUST WANT A HUG.  Jesus would you come tonight?”  Right after I prayed that, someone read out Psalm 139, and Psalm 23 back to back.  These are my two favorite psalms, or more so the two Psalms that I actually know and had a huge impact on my life.  Right at the moment, I finally feel peaceful, because God just embraced me with some legit hugs! haha. 😀 One arm being Psalm 139, the other arm being Psalm 23.  I felt joyful, peaceful, and thankful. God is good.

On another fun note, I got to spend my 4th of July in New York City AGAIN!! Last 4th of July, I spend most of the day walking around in soho and shopped.  This year, I am in the city again, and I spent most of the time in soho as well! So fun! 🙂 We first stopped by Chinatown and prayed for the brothels first.  As soon as I got out of the subway, the first thing in my head was – man, this feels like home! The smell of open air markets, the combination of fruits and veggies, and fish and shrimps, people walking around with their grocery carts, and all the stores are in Chinese and people speaking in Chinese.  Not going back to Taiwan this summer is different, I’ve never spent the whole summer in the States before, so being in Chinatown for a little bit feels like I went home for a few hours, hee hee.  But praying was both a good and sad experience.  It was good, because we were inviting Jesus to come into the space and bring hope to these dark corners, but at the same time, when I think about Chinatown, I think of bubble tea and good food, and not the brokeness that are hidden under my fantasy.  I really like Chinatown, and I really don’t like the fact that it is one of the hotspot for human trafficking in the city, but the reality is there are many massage parlors that are in Chinatown that offer more than just massages, and it breaks my heart to know that places that feels most like home is actually one of the most broken places in the city.  However one thing that I’ve been learning a lot at NYCUP is to be willing to give it to God and believe that He is POWERFUL enough to all these problem.  It is so easy for me to want to carry all the burden on myself and thinking that I can do something about it.  But the truth is, I can’t do anything unless I rely on God’s strength and let Him do it through me.  It makes me sad that we are praying for Chinatown, but at the same time, I’m thankful for the reminder that our God is big enough to fix all these issues, and I just need to be willing to give it to Him.  Later that day, some of us girls spend the rest of the afternoon walking around in soho and looked at stationaries and book stores.  It was so nice to get to spend some time with the girls here at NYCUP, I am seriously so blessed to meet some legit wonderful ladies this summer! We are all super different people and yet I just absolutely love everyone so so much.  We’ve been here for 3 weeks now, but it feels like we are all so close already, it’s CRAZY!


Found some fair trade cards!


Pretty cool book store, isn’t it?

It was such a fun day, and it ended perfectly with our weekly Bible study.  We studied Isaiah 58, and something that I realized was the style of Bible study at NYCUP is extremely different than how we do Bible study at OSU, It was hard the first few times because I didn’t how to participate, because it is so different, but I’m starting to get more used to it now! 🙂 The passage talked about fasting, true fasting, fake fasting, and what does sabbath looks like in God’s definition.  Even though I studied the same passage before, I still get so much out of it every single time!  Oh, the power of the Bible!

Friday morning, I got to skype with mom and dad, and grandma.  It was so great, and it’s so nice to see them again!! As much as I want to be a super independent women, I guess I actually still miss home a little bit, too, haha.

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It was a good morning. 🙂 And a productive day too!

Tasks accomplished:

– Wrote a little note to everyone here at NYCUP


– Bought a pair of flats in the neighborhood!  My comfy work shoes that I’ve been wearing for the past 4 years or so broke :(, and I really don’t want to wear heels to work every day.

– took a nap 🙂

– rest


Friday, I also got to help bring everyone’s sheets so that they can be washed. Who says you can’t grab 13 people’s worth of sheets with only two hands and one trip, haha!

Saturday, I got to visit the community garden again! We were gone for two weeks and the garden has already changed so much!!! I was in awe when I got there.  All the fence post are cemented, there were only 6 soil beds and now there are 12, and there’s now a little stone path to the garden.  Our task on Saturday was to pull out A BIG PATCH of weeds.  If you first saw the patch of weeds, I bet your first instinct would be “there’s no way.”   But after a morning of  some hard work and watering the soil with our sweat, we actually got a good chunk of weeds out and we can actually see patches of soil underneath the jungle of weeds!  Right before we leave, we also built a compost bin with pallets and zip ties, and IT ACTUALLY WORKS REALLY WELL!! My mind was blown.  It was one HOT HOT day and I got some wacky tan lines again, but it was so worth it and I had so much fun! 🙂 After studying Isaiah 58,  I was reminded that serving is part of sabbath, and having the opportunity to be part of the transformation of this beautiful community garden is such refreshing experience! (AND, in case you ever need to find a way to cool down after gardening the whole morning, the best solution is AN ICE COLD CUP OF BUBBLE TEA!)


So yeah. I know I already said this so many times already, but it truly is a blessing to be here at NYCUP this summer! This is seriously  one of the BEST summer ever!

Thank you, Jesus!

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