A Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

On this restful night, Lord, I just really need to spend some time with you.  Lord, you’ve been so good to me, even though I really don’t deserve any of it.  Lord, being here at NYCUP is such a blessing, but it also boggles my mind to learn that our world is so messed up, and it drives me crazy.  Lord, what does it mean to be your kingdom worker? What does it mean to be a follower of you? How can we be good steward of yours, to live a life of glorifying your name and be able to bring justice to this world? Why do you pick me, of all the people to come to NYCUP, to learn about you, to fight for injustice in this world? There are plenty of GOOD choices out there, and yet you chose me.  Lord, I feel incapable, and I know that I know that you believe that I am qualified to serve you and bring you glory, but how come I can never fully gain confidence to believe in that?  Lord, I pray that during the time here at NYCUP, would you enter my heart, and transform me, mold me, and help me to have confidence in myself and in you, and learn to live boldly for the Gospel.  Lord, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, slowly but surely I’m learning to believe that I am a beautiful women that you created, and you have great plans for me and each one of the students here at NYCUP.  Lord, I confess that often times, because of fear, lack of courage, lack of belief, and longing for comfort causes me to say no to your invitation.  Father, would you help me overcome my fear and would you teach me to obey, even if it means doing something totally outside of my comfort zone.

Lord, would you come and pour your love over us, and teach us how to be more like you and let our only motivation to do anything be only you and not anything else.

Lord, come.

In Jesus’ name,


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